I met these wonderful teachers on Instagram :-)
(Me on IG @readwritesing)
I'm preaching to myself...
* Every year, I resolve to put things back into the correct binder, the right box.
Instead, I toss things into the handiest box and cart the next set of goodies
into my classroom. I always think I'll have time in the summer
to leisurely reorganize things; I do not!
Set up a routine that will help you to keep your resources organized.
* I'm heading into my 18th year of teaching and I still consider planning to be
"fun". However, my husband and children do not think it's fun to watch me
cutting and laminating through a Saturday evening. They especially don't
enjoy watching me give an entire Sunday over to prepping for the week.
Keep one day for you. Do not give up on your passions and hobbies.
Yes, you are a teacher. But, that's not your whole identity.
* Hang on to the receipts for classroom items.
Even if tax credit becomes a thing of the past, you will benefit
from knowing how much you spent on your classroom.
Also, and I say this with respect to the amazing teachers who make a nice
amount of $ by selling their products, do not try to create a dream classroom
right out of the gate. Unless you have a trust fund, this is impossible. PLUS,
you need to know the limitations of your building, district guidelines, etc.,
before you start hanging things from the ceiling or dragging in extra furniture.
* Don't try to be someone else.
You probably have an ongoing list of things you want to
try, buy, teach, create; you have Pinterest boards filled with
ideas and pictures of beautiful learning spaces.
ideas and pictures of beautiful learning spaces.
Just be you. You will evolve as the years go by.
Every class will teach you something new about yourself and
show you something that you want to improve.
show you something that you want to improve.
* Don't hide in your room.
Keep your door open during that first week of set-up;
Keep your door open during that first week of set-up;
the friendliest teachers will be coming by to say hello
and ask how they can help you.
and ask how they can help you.
(And, um, Ms. Gossip may show up at your door, too.)
Be wise as you meet your colleagues. You'll soon figure out who is who.
*I know you will not be able to resist spending money on your new students.
Remember, books are always worthy of our money!
We may be using technology in new and creative ways, but,
IMHO, nothing will ever replace a book in the hand of a child.
One more thing...
Have FUN!