Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Ahhhh, little girls....imagine that 90% of your class is female.  Who is the queen bee?  Which one pushes her way to the front of every story circle?  Is there a 'mommy' in the group? 

This scripture is our memory verse for the week.  I'd like to stretch a canvas on a bulletin board and paint it for posterity.  

My beautiful bunch has received marching orders:  
Romans 14;19

The original document had an adorable polka dot background; I have no clue why it disappeared.  I wanted to upload it as a photo image, but no luck on that idea.  Thus, Scribd.  :-)


  1. I love love love this verse!!!
    And I totally know what you mean about those queen bees. I think I need to hang this up in our staff lounge . . .
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Do you know the book Balcony People? It's all about hanging out with the people who build us up and avoiding, when possible, those basement people who drag us down. I LOVE this scripture verse - thanks!

    The Corner On Character

  3. What a blessing to be able to impart such great words to your little ones.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. I had 13 girls once and only 5 boys. Talk about DIVA'S! What a great verse! I may use that for my boys this year. They are hard headed and each thinks they are better than the other.

    Kinder Kraziness

  5. Chrissy,
    I don't have your email address. If you are serious about a blog design, email me at peschaff@bresnan.net

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings


Thanks for being part of my story!