Monday, December 3, 2012

Label The Nativity, a Freebie, and GRACE!

My little friends are BoUnCiNg OfF tHe WaLLs!
Glory....we have fourteen more days of this??!

At staff devotions today, my friend read a great quote:
"A heart touched by grace brings joy to the face."
I realized that I need to give grace--unmerited favor--
to my students, especially at this time of the year.  
What does that look like?  Do I abandon my management systems?
Of course not!  I hold everyone accountable for their choices.
But, I look a little bit deeper into what they are experiencing.
Even in the best circumstances, my five- and six-year-old pals are not getting enough sleep, hopping from one holiday festivity to another, and eating waaaaay too much sugar.
(Hhhmmm....their teacher is in the same boat!)

I hereby give you all permission to slow down, hit the snooze button, take a walk, and splurge on the yummy salad.
Light the fire, turn on the music, and breathe.

I like to use labeling pages for handwriting practice, hand-eye coordination.  Some of my favorites have been created by 
Ms. White at First Grade Blue Skies :-).  Lori at Teaching With Love And Laughter is the author of my kinders' favorite gingerbread writing activities!

Since we will be studying the Christmas story during the last two weeks of December, I made a set of character label pages.
If you would like to have a copy of the page above,
hop over to my store and download the preview file
There are five pages of character labeling, for just $1.


  1. Your blog is beautiful. So glad I happened upon it! And thanks for the gentle grace, especially to children.


Thanks for being part of my story!