Friday, February 22, 2013

Flash! Math Mini-Lessons for Spring and a Freebie!

Ahhh, snow day....I <3 you!

As the snow fell, I turned my thoughts towards spring!
I'm giving my new math mini-lessons activity to 
the first two commentors!
(Please leave an email address where you can be reached!)

But, I'm grateful for all of my visitors!  You can download the patterning work page HERE!!

You can find this sweet unit HERE at my store!

This is a sneak peek at what's inside!
I wrote a an 11 page mini-book that I'm excited to use. 
My class needs practice in reading and writing number words;
this book will provide that opportunity!
Other lessons cover addition, patterning, 
counting with ten frames/teen numerals, 
matching picture and numeral cards, 
identifying and writing missing numerals.  

I've enjoyed the snowstorm, but I'm looking forward to hearing the bird songs of spring!
What is your favorite part of spring?


  1. Replies
    1. Hurray! It's on its way; please let me know if anything should be improved!

  2. It looks adorable! Come see me for something free!
    Owl Things First

    1. Yippee! Sending it out to you now; let me know what you think!


Thanks for being part of my story!