My name is Chrissy.
I'm sad.
Am I alone in finding that tears are close to the surface for days after the last day?
I had a great year, but, like most of us, I had challenging days. And, I hate the alarm clock! Not waking up at 5:30am is a summer treat!
There are many reasons to do the happy dance, but I am on the verge of tears.
Some of the sadness is due to the stress of packing up and moving a classroom to a new building. There are 19 boxes lined against the wall of the storybook room that will never again be filled with our songs. Personally, I've filled my car 5 times--and the van is about to be filled again--and I'm realizing that I need a dedicated space for the things that I own. It's all coming home with me and is currently living in the garage/spare bedroom.
Some of the sadness is due to the huge, unknown consequences of the school move. Our staff is transitioning for various reasons; as a result, there was no end-of-the-year staff meeting or exit interviews. I don't know when the big move is occurring. I don't know much.
Guess what? I kind of like to know. I learn best whole to part: show me the big picture and I will quickly sort the pieces. The only thing I have at the moment is pieces...boxes and crates and bags and piles of pieces. Putting them back together without a map is a tearjerker.
If there ever comes a day where kindergarten and I must part, just know that I'll stay there, in my heart, forever.