There was a chorus of moos and squeals
in my kindergarten room this week!
These were our favorite books:
(I do a mean Farmer Brown impression!)

If the school had been lice -free, I would have brought in my quilts :-)
A sampling of our Cow Glyphs:
tail=fav milk flavor, spots=age, bow/horns=girl/boy
(Yes, I see the 3-spot cow; must adjust asap!)
We did a write-the-room activity with sight words. Writing extra words was also encouraged. Most of the children chose to write vocabulary from the farm!
We used a math box to sort, count, and categorize farm animals. The spinner was a big hit!
Next week, Mrs. Wishy Washy will make an appearance!
We'll also try to make butter....
I'm going to do a test run tomorrow!
If you have a farm unit on TPT or Teacher's Notebook, please let me know--I'd love to take a peek and possibly put $ in your pocket!