Friday, July 13, 2012

Supply List....Done!

Supply lists and welcome letters were mailed to 
my new kindergartners today!  

The border can be found here, courtesy of 
Graphics From The Pond!
The supply list, as a pdf, can be found here.

Truly, having a stash of bandaids on hand in the classroom was a blessing last year.  Would you believe the kindergartners went through twelve boxes?  Our school does not have a full-time nurse, or health room, so keeping bandaids in the classroom is also helpful for the secretary.  She is the keeper of the ice packs--a daily need, it seems--so I am happy to help her out by dealing with the scrapes and hangnails of my little ones.

What is your most-prized supply?


  1. As a counselor, I'd have to say tissues, though BandAids are a close second. This reminds me of a time I gave a Band Aid to each student after reading The BandAid Chicken - I may have to post that lesson!

    The Corner On Character

  2. I never thought of asking for Band-Aids-I need to do that next year. :)They do go through them fast. I love how you ask them to take the glue sticks out of the wrappers too-that would save soooo much time!

    No matter how much we ask for I always end up buying tissues and soap.


  3. I need to start my supply lists, thanks for the reminder.

    I love your blog!!! I just nominated you for an award head on over to

  4. Band-aids...genius! I'm going to add that to mine. My favorite is the wipes...They're the best invention since electricity!

    Owl Things First


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